Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Blackhat Keynote

Waiting for the speaker. They just introduced the introducer of the speaker. ????

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Update on the eyes

If I were a more disciplined blogger, I probably would have posted something from my followup optometry visit, where I was told I HAVE 20/20 VISION! But that was Friday (thanks for the lift Mandy!), and I've been running around all weekend doing other stuff. I wonder how you convince the DMV that you no longer need corrective lenses....

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Less Fuzzy (I can see!!!)

It's a bit like looking through a gelled lens right now. I can see everything, but the focus is a bit soft. It's already better than it was two hours ago before my nap. I'm not allowed to be on my computer too long at a stretch. So, I'll have to keep these brief. It'd probably be much more fun if I didn't have a cold

Home now

Blurry but better. Very light sensitive. Taking doctor ordered nap.

The Doctor is Here

Hopefully this time we'll actually be able to do the surgery. Three weeks ago he saw an "inclusion" that he didn't like and put me on yet more drops to clear that up, so this is really our second try at the surgery.

Waiting for Surgery

It's been a long time in coming, but I'm finally getting Lasix. I expect to be more or less out of comission for the evening, but I should be allowed to drive by tomorrow afternoon. The number of eyedrops I have to take, both pre- and post-op is impressive.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

First Post!!!

What else should I title it? Since my main site is strictly for photography, I'll be posting random thoughts here. I doubt it'll be on much of a regular basis, but more likely when anything gets on my nerves. Anyway, welcome, come back any time.